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Shri Bhaskar Barua

(Board Chair)

Shri Bhaskar Barua, the Former Secretary to the Government of India is the current Chairman of the Board of Coalition of Food and Nutrition Security. He is also a member (Non-Official) of Assam State Disaster Management Authority, Government of Assam. His commitment is towards value-based governance, transparency, inclusive approach to coalition building, advocacy for strategic convergence for sustainable food and nutrition security in India. He has a deep understanding and knowledge about the working of government systems. His long and incomparable experience and expertise is highly valued for the Coalition and we wish to take our agenda of sustainable food and nutrition security forward under his competent guidance and leadership.

Mr. Nilamadhab Prusty,

(Board Vice Chair)

Mr. Nilamadhab Prusty, Board Vice Chair; is a recipient of Global Best Practice award for Innovation in Social Housing and finalist for the NASSCOM Foundation’s Tech for Social Good innovation award, the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship and Ramon Magsaysay Award. He has a distinguished career spanning over 45 years in Government, Corporate, International Development Agencies and NGOs both national and international. He had the privilege of getting mentored by legendary leaders like late Dr. V G Patel and late Dr. V Kurien. Post retirement he is active in social development and humanitarian action, he sits in several governing boards of both national and international organizations as Member, Vice Chair and Chair (Vision Spring, Digital Green, Humanitarian Aid International, CFNS), advisor to government (Bihar State Disaster Management Authority, Working Group Member in NITI Ayog) and CSR organizations (Sr. Advisor to HCL Foundation), Mentor to CARE and NIMHANS led mental health and humanitarian programs) and several development focused people centric innovations, programs, people and organizations.

Shri Ranglal Jamuda,

(Board Secretary)

Shri Ranglal Jamuda joined the Indian Administrative service in 1981 and superannuated in 2016. After Superannuation, he became the first chairperson for the Odisha State food commission for a term of 3 years. He worked for about 35 Years in the Government both State and central to discharge functions in important sectors like Agriculture, Education, Energy, Industry, Land Revenue, Rural Development, Food Processing etc. and also in State PSUs. He is associates with several policy making initiatives in agriculture and food production, food processing industries, rural infrastructure development, quality education in primary, secondary and tertiary levels, power sector reforms (Odisha state was the pioneer) tribal welfare, disaster management etc.

Mr. M Ramesh Babu,

(Board Treasurer)

Mr. M. Ramesh Babu has been in the development and disaster management fields over last 25 years. He is the Executive Director of EFICOR, a national relief and development organization, based in New Delhi. He has vast field implementation experience in the thematic areas of Livelihood, Maternal and Child health, Disaster Risk Reduction and Urban resilience. He has been in the part of senior management for last one decade and now heads the organization which is reputed and certified by the Core Humanitarian Standards (CHS). He has the ability to steer the team towards optimum outcomes by creating a result-oriented environment without compromising the values and program quality and also to build the team with a win-win attitude. His experience of fields, management and advocacy will greatly add value to the coalition in taking food and nutrition security agenda forward to help the poor and socially excluded.